Sunday, August 17, 2008


I love the Olympics. I am most definately a fan of beauty and excellence, be it in sports or other areas. I stayed up late to watch the opening ceremonies from start to finish and have been watching hours and hours of Olympic coverage since then.

I know there has been quite a bit of hate and discontent over the opening ceremonies. Some say that part of the fireworks were faked, some say that the Chinese military had no business being in the opening ceremonies. Some say the little girl that sang one of the songs was lip synched. "Some" might be right, but you know what, it's there opening ceremony and it was beautiful. I loved the walk through history. I recorded the entire thing so I could show parts of it to my class. The moveable type was amazing. The fact that they could get that many people to move in synch was awesome. You show me any performing group that's been that right on ever, anywhere.

So to those people who have to make everything into a huge political statement and those that have to see the negative in everything, I say "Open your eyes and your heart and simply WATCH for a change"


Pupp said...

I've decided that swimmers are HOT.

Sue KuKu said...

Divers are hot, too!