My motto in life is anything worth doing is worth over doing, and packing for camping is no exception to this motto. This is the van, stuffed to the brim with camping gear. Now in my defense, I come by this honestly. My grandmother was the matriarch of camping in our family. When she was alive it took *4* large vans and trucks to get everything to the camp ground and we usually ended up going into town to get stuff she forgot. I've streamlined this process and now only use one minivan and one pickup to get everything out there. Really, it's not to shabby.
This year was full of rites of passage. Lady Macbeth got to sleep in her own tent this year. She is quite the capable young lady and fully enjoyed her independence. The tent is one of those little pop ups. The box says it's 4x6 but she says they lie! She's only 5 foot 6 but had to sleep lying diagonal.
After camp was all set up it was time to get down to buisness! Of course the buisness of the day was to relax and play in the outdoors. Chess was a popular game among the kids. I never saw any of the adults playing. (I think we were all afraid the kids would kick our butts.) Marbles was the other game of choice. In these pictures Lady Macbeth is playing chess with Pupp's oldest nephew and Darth Zeus is playing marbles with Pupp's youngest nephew.
This was Dobby's first camping trip and he handled himself remarkably well. He was quiet and well behaved the entire trip, except when barking at Pupp for getting to close to our tent. Every day we went down to Small Fry to fish. Small Fry is a man made pond that is stocked with trout every spring and summer for kids 14 and under. The kids enjoyed fishing but didn't enjoy the fact that we didn't catch anything. Dobby loved hanging out on the shore with Tarnished Knight and watching the kids fish. Pupp's labs were with us but we didn't take them fishing. Ever tried fishing with a lab? Trust me, it's not pretty!
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