It's definately summer in Oregon. The heat has set in and it's miserable. Every day for the last 6 days there has been at least one news article about someone dying due to the heat.

We spent Saturday, which was the hottest day of all in the pool. We were in the water by 11 AM and didn't get out until well after dark. Being the good mommy I am, I slathered everyone up with sunscreen so they wouldn't get burnt. Guess who didn't put any sunscreen on at all? Yep, that would be me. I am now sporting the latest in summer fashions, the bright red sunburn. Thankfully it's not as bad as it could have been, but it's bad enough thank you very much.

Sunday we gave in and turned on the air conditioner. We had been holding off because last year I came to the realization that with the air conditioner running we spent less time in the pool and less time on the deck chatting and more time hibernating. I wanted to keep that from happening this year. Sunday we swam for a little while, then the thunderstorms rolled in so we sat in the house and listened to the summer show. There is nothing quite like a summer thunder storm.
Today it's only supposed to be 85, but we turned on the air conditioner to keep Dobby and the rodents comfortable. Samantha and I are working on LTC's and getting ready to go swimming!
What are you doing to beat the heat?
I am cooking vast amounts of fried and boiled food, so that I may have the benefits of a sauna, without the gym membership.
I'm whining and complaining about it. That should do the trick.
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